Diana Munoz and Anderson Tate Montenegro present posters; Diana presents progress on a CRISPR-based SHERLOCK assay for rapid field detection of Chinook salmon eDNA, and Anderson presented a poster on his dissertation research, using eDNA metabarcoding and SHERLOCK to survey biodiversity and answer ecological questions about California Central Valley vernal pools on US National Wildlife Refuge lands. Leigh Sanders and Anna Jordan gave talks; Leigh presented her graduate studies research project on an application of eDNA for surveying fish communities in restored tidal wetlands, and Anna presented her PhD research project on surveying Giant Gartersnake distribution in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. We're so happy to be working with so many people on studying conservation in our Delta!

Leigh presents, and Ravi watches (PC: Diana Munoz)

Anna presents a slide with a confused snake on it (PC: Diana Munoz)

Anderson with his poster (PC: Diana Munoz)

Diana with her poster (PC: Anderson Tate Montenegro)