GVL Publications
Auringer, G., M. A. Campbell, P. A. L. Goertler, and A. J. Finger (2023) Lampreys in California (Lampetra spp. and
Entosphenus spp.): Mitochondrial phylogenetic analysis reveals previously unrecognized lamprey diversity. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 43(6):1511-1530. (url)
Nagarajan, R. P., A. Holmes, and A. Schreier (2023) Reference sequence database for eDNA metabarcoding of San Francisco
estuary fishes and invertebrates [Dataset]. Dryad. https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.0p2ngf25z
Stagg, J., Goodman, A., Mitchell, L., Funk, E., and Schreier, A. (2023) Proofing field and laboratory species identification
procedures developed for the non-native Osmerid species wakasagi (Hyposmesus nipponensis) using SHERLOCK-based genetic verification. San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Sciences 21(4):2. (url)
LaCava, M. E. F., Griffiths, J. S., Ellison, L., Carson, E. W., Hung, T-C., and Finger A. J. (2023) Loss of plasticity in maturation
timing after ten years of captive spawning in a delta smelt conservation hatchery. Evolutionary Applications. (url)
LaCava, M. E. F., Donohue, I. M., Badger, M. E., Hung T-C., Ellison, L., Rahman, M. M., Kelvas, K., Finger, A. J., and Carson, E.
W. (2023) Assessing captive spawning strategies for supplementation production of Delta Smelt (Hypomesus transpacificus). Transactions of the American Fisheries Society (url).
Baerwald, M. R., Funk, E. C., Goodbla, A. M., Campbell, M. A., Thompson, T., Meek, M. H., & Schreier, A. D. (2023). Rapid
CRISPR‐Cas13a genetic identification enables new opportunities for listed Chinook salmon management. Molecular Ecology Resources. (url)
Campbell M.A., Hale M.C., Jalbert C.S., Dunker K., Sepulveda A.J., López J.A., Falke J.A. and Westley PAH. 2023. Genomics
reveals the origins and current structure of a genetically depauperate freshwater species in its introduced Alaskan range. Evolutionary Applications. 16, 1119-1134. (url)
Campbell MA. (2023, February 7). DNA unveils new freshwater fish species in California. California WaterBlog.
Nagarajan, R. P., A. Holmes, and A. Schreier (2023) Reference sequence database for eDNA metabarcoding of San Francisco
estuary fishes and invertebrates [Dataset]. Dryad. https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.0p2ngf25zll
Campbell M.A., Badger M.E., Starotska A.B., Hawks T. and Finger A.J. 2023. Molecular phylogenetic and population
genetic relationships of a putative species of sucker (Catostomus sp.) from Surprise Valley in the Great Basin, USA. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 152, 273– 286. (url) Featured Paper
Campbell M.A., Habibi E., Auringer G., Stephens M., Conway K., Rodzen, J., Conway K.W., and Finger A.J. Molecular
systematics of Redband Trout from Genome-Wide DNA Sequencing substantiates the description of a new taxon (Salmonidae: Oncorhynchus mykiss calisulat) from the McCloud River. Zootaxa. 5254 (1):001-029. (url)
White, S. L., D. A. Fox, T. Beridze, S. K. Bolden, R. L. Johnson, T. F. Savoy, F. Scheele, A. D. Schreier, and D. C. Kazyak. 2023.
Expanding captive culture industry threatens decades of global sturgeon conservation. Fisheries 48(2):54-61. (url)
Blair, S. R. K., A. Schreier, M. Escalona, A. Finger, S. Joslin, R. Sahasradbudhe, M. Marimuthu, O. Nguyen, N. Chumchim, E. R.
Morris, H. Mangelson, and J. Hull. 2023. A draft reference genome of the Vernal Pool Fairy Shrimp, Branchinecta lynchi.
Journal of Heredity 114(1):81-87. (url)
Blair, S. R. K., A. Schreier, M. Escalona, A. Finger, S. Joslin, R. Sahasradbudhe, M. Marimuthu, O. Nguyen, N. Chumchim, E. R.
Morris, H. Mangelson, and J. Hull. 2023. A chromosome-level reference genome for the Versatile Fairy Shrimp. Branchinecta lindahli. Journal of Heredity 114(1):74-80. (url)
Delomas, T. A., S. C. Willis, B. Parker, D. Miller, P. Anders, A. Schreier, S. Narum. Genotyping SNPs and inferring ploidy by
amplicon sequencing for polyploid, ploidy variable species. Molecular Ecology Resources 21(7):2288-1298. (pdf)
Saglam, I. K., Hobbs, J., Baxter, R., Lewis, L., Benjamin, A.*, and Finger, A. J. (2021) Genomic study of longfin smelt (Spirinchus
thaleichthys) in the northeastern Pacific reveals regional patterns of genetic drift, structure, and gene flow. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. (pdf)
Kieran S. R.*, Hull, J., Finger, A. J. (2021) Environmental DNA sampling provides new management strategies for vernal pool
branchiopods in California. PLoS One (pdf)
Coen, A.*, M. Fish, R. Lovell, J. Rodzen, R. Schwartz, and A. Schreier. 2021. High levels of genetic divergence detected in
Sacramento Perch (Archoplites interruptus) suggest two divergent translocation sources. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 150(3):375-387. (pdf)
Schreier, A. D., J. P. Van Eenennaam, P. Anders, S. Young, and J. Crossman. 2021. Spontaneous autopolyploidy in the
Acipenseriformes, with recommendations for management. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 31:159-180. (pdf)
Leal, M.J., J. P. Van Eenennaam, A. D. Schreier, and A. E. Todgham. 2021. Reduced growth may be linked to lower aerobic
scope in juvenile triploid white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus). Aquaculture 534:736157 (pdf)
Willis, S. C., B. Parker, A. D. Schreier, R. Beamesderfer, D. Miller, S. Young, and S. R. Narum. 2022. Population structure of
White Sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) in the Columbia River inferred from single-nucleotide polymorphisms. Diversity 14(12):1045. (url)
Blair, S. R. K., J. Hull, M. Escalona, A. Finger, S. Joslin, R. Sahasradbudhe, M. P. A. Marimuthu, O. Nguyen, N. Chumchim, E. R.
Morris, S. Velazquez, and A. Schreier. 2022. The reference genome of the Vernal Pool Tadpole Shrimp, Lepidurus packardi.
Journal of Heredity 113(6):706-711. (url)
Su Y, Moyle PB, Campbell MA, Finger AJ, O’Rourke S, Baumsteiger J, and Miller MR. 2022. Population genomic analysis of the
speckled dace species complex (Rhinichthys osculus) identifies three species-level lineages. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 151:695–710 https://doi.org/10.1002/tafs.10388. Featured Paper and ‘Most Downloaded’ paper in first year.
Moyle PB and Campbell MA. 2022. Cryptic Species of Freshwater Sculpin (Cottidae: Cottus) in California. Zootaxa. 5154: 501-
527. https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.5154.5.1
Campbell MA, Joslin SEK, Goodbla AM, Willmes M, Hobbs JA, Lewis LS and Finger AJ. 2022. Polygenic discrimination of
migratory phenotypes in an estuarine forage fish. G3. jkac133. https://doi.org/10.1093/g3journal/jkac133
Nagarajan, R., M. Bedwell, A. Holmes, T. Sanches, S. Acuña, M. Baerwald, M. Barnes, S. Blankenship, R. E. Connon,
K. Deiner, D. Gille, C. S. Goldberg, M. E. Hunter, C. L. Jerde, G. Luikart, R. S. Meyer, A. Watts, and A. Schreier. 2022. Environmental DNA methods for ecological monitoring and biodiversity assessment in estuaries. Estuaries and Coasts 45:2254-2273. (url)
Farrell, C.J., B. M. Johnson, A. G. Hansen, C. A. Myrick, E. C. Anderson, T. A. Delomas, A. D. Schreier, and J. P. Van
Eenennaam. 2022. Cytological and molecular approaches for ploidy determination: results from a wild Walleye population. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 42:849-856. (url)
Finger AJ, Benjamin A, Crookshanks C., Campbell MA and Saglam IK. 2022. Broad- and fine-scale structure across the
distribution of the Relict Dace (Relictus solitarius) in the Great Basin Desert, USA. Conservation Science and Practice. e12672. https://doi.org/10.1111/csp2.12672
Karim, N., L-W. Lin, J. P. Van Eenennaam, N. A. Fangue, A. D. Schreier, M. A. Phillips, and R. H. Rice. Epidermal cell cultures
from white and green sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus and medirostris): expression of TGM1-like transglutaminases and CYP4501A. PLoS One 17(3):e0265218. (url)
Mauduit, F., A. Segarra, M. Mandic, A. Todgham, M. Baerwald, A. Schreier, N. Fangue, and R. Connon. Understanding risks
and consequences of pathogen infections on the physiological performance of outmigrating Chinook Salmon. Conservation Physiology 10(1):coab102. (url)
Gille, D.A., B. T. Barney, A. Segarra, M. R. Baerwald, A. D. Schreier, and R. E. Connon. 2022. Investigation of molecular
pathogen screening assays for use in delta smelt. San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science 20(1):4. (url)
Campbell MA, Featured in the SHOAL New Species Report: https://shoalconservation.org/new-species-2022-report-released/
Struch, R.*, E. Pulster, A. Schreier, and S. Murawski. (2019) Hepatobiliary analyses suggest chronic PAH exposure in hakes
(Urophycis spp.) following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 38(12):2740-2749. (pdf)
Thorstensen, M.*, P. Bates, K. Lepla, and A. Schreier. (2019) To breed or not to breed? Maintaining genetic diversity in white
sturgeon supplementation programs. Conservation Genetics 20:997-1007. (pdf)
Fiske, A.*, J. Van Eenennaam, A. Todgham, S. Young, C. Holem-Bell, A. Goodbla, A. Schreier. (2019) A comparison of
methods for determining ploidy in white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus). Aquaculture 507:435-442. (pdf)
Leal, M. J., J. P. Van Eenennaam, A. D. Schreier, A. E. Todgham. (2019) Triploidy in white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus):
effects of acute stress and warm acclimation on physiological performance. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A: Molecular and Integrative Physiology 229:10-17. (pdf)
Mahardja, B., Hobbs, J.A., Ikemiyagi, N., Healey, B., Benjamin, A., and Finger, A.J. (2019) Role of freshwater floodplain-tidal
slough complex in the persistence of the endangered delta smelt. PLoS ONE 14(1): e0208084. (pdf)
Kieran S. K.*, Hull, J. and Finger, A. J. (2020) Using environmental DNA to monitor the spatial distribution of the California
Tiger Salamander Ambystoma californiense. Journal of Wildlife Management. (pdf)
Baerwald, M. R., A. M. Goobla, R. P. Nagarajan, J. S. Gootenberg, O. O. Abudayyeh, F. Zheng, and A. D. Schreier. Rapid and
accurate species identification for ecological studies and monitoring using CRISPR-based SHERLOCK. Molecular Ecology Resources 20:961-970.
Mahardja, B., A. Goodman, A. Goodbla, A. D. Schreier, C. Johnston, D. Contreras, L. McMartin, and R. C. Fuller. 2020.
Introduction of Bluefin Killifish Lucania goodei into the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 18(2): Article 3. (pdf)
Sanches*, T. M. and A. D. Schreier. 2020. Optimizing an environmental DNA protocol for monitoring threatened Chinook
Salmon in the San Francisco Estuary: balancing sensitivity, cost and time. PLoS ONE 15(5): e0233522.
Leal, M. J., J. P. Van Eenennaam, A. D. Schreier, and A. E. Todgham. (2020) Diploid and triploid white sturgeon (Acipenser
transmontanus) differ in magnitude but not kinetics of physiological responses to exhaustive exercise at ambient and elevated temperatures. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 77:666-673. (pdf)
Nagarajan, R. P., A. Goodbla, E. Graves, M. Baerwald, M. Holyoak, and A. Schreier. (2020) Non-invasive genetic monitoring for
the threatened valley elderberry longhorn beetle. PLoS ONE 15(1):e0227333.
Schreier, A. D. and P. Stevens. (2020) Further evidence of lower Columbia River green sturgeon spawning. Environmental
Biology of Fishes 103(2):201-208. (pdf)
Van Eenennaam, J. P., A. Fiske*, M. J. Leal, C. Cooley-Rieders, A. E. Todgham, F. S. Conte, and A. D. Schreier. (2020)
Mechanical shock during egg de-adhesion and post-ovulatory ageing contribute to spontaneous autopolyploidy in white sturgeon culture (Acipenser transmontanus). Aquaculture 515:734530 (open access)
Lessard J, Cavallo B, Anders P, Sommer T, Schreier B, Gille D, Schreier A, Finger A, Hung T, Hobbs J, May B, Schultz A,
Burgess O, and Clarke R (2018) Considerations for the use of captive-reared Delta Smelt for species recovery and research. San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Sciences 16(3):3. (pdf)
Finger, AJ, Mahardja, BM, Benjamin, A, Lindberg, J, Ellison, L, Fisch, K, Hung, T-C, May, BP (2018) Evidence of domestication
selection in a conservation hatchery for Delta Smelt. Journal of Heredity, 109(6):689-699). (pdf)
Leal M, Clarke BE, Van Eenennaam JP, Schreier AD, and Todgham AE. (2018) The effects of warm temperature acclimation on
constitutive stress, immunity, and metabolism in white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) of different ploidies. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A 224:23-34. (pdf)
Benjamin A, Saglam IK, Mahardja B, Hobbs J, Hung T, and Finger AJ. (2018) Use of single nucleotide polymorphisms identifies
backcrossing and species misidentifications among three San Francisco Estuary osmerids. DOI: 10.1007/s10592-018-1048-9. Conservation Genetics. (pdf)
Kirsch JE, Feeney RF, Goodbla A, Hart C, Jackson ZJ, Schreier A, and Smith R. (2018) The First Record of the Large-scale
Loach Paramisgurnus dabryanus (Cobitidae) in the 3 United States. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 9(1):246-254. (pdf)
Finger AJ, Schumer G, Benjamin A, and Blankenship S. (2017) Evaluation and Interpretation of Genetic Effective Population
Size of Delta Smelt from 2011-2014. San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science Journal 15(2): 1-11. (pdf)
Wells CP, Tomalty KM, Floyd CH, McElreath MB, May BP, VanVuren DH. (2017) Determinants of multiple paternity in a
fluctuating population of ground squirrels. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 71:42. (pdf)
Clark LV and Drauch Schreier A. (2017) Resolving microsatellite genotype ambiguity in populations of allopolyploid and
diploidized autopolyploid organisms using negative correlations between alleles. Molecular Ecology Resources. DOI: 10.1111/1755-0998.12639 (pdf)
Gille DA, Van Eenennaam JP, Famula TR, Schreier AD, Beer K, Struffenegger P, Renschler B, Bishop S, and Doroshov SI. (2017)
Finishing diet, genetics, and other culture conditions affect ovarian adiposity and caviar yield in cultured white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus). Aquaculture 474:121-129. (pdf)
Meek M, Wells C, Tomalty K, Ashander J, Cole E, Gille D, Putnam G, Rose J, Savoca M, Yamane L, Hull J, Rogers D,
RosenblumD, Shogren J, Swaisgood R, May B. (2016) We should not be afraid to talk about fear of failure in conservation. Biological Conservation, 194:218-219. (pdf)
Dowling TE, Markle DF, Tranah GJ, Carson EW, Wagman DW, May BP. (2016) Introgressive Hybridization and the Evolution of
Lake-adapted Catostomid Fishes. PLOS One, 11(3): 2016 (pdf)
Hildebrand LH, Drauch Schreier A, Lepla K, McAdam SO, McLellan J, Parsley M, Paragamian V, Young S. (2016) Status of
White Sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) throughout the species range, threats to survival, and prognosis for the future. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 32(Suppl 1): 261-312. (pdf)
Schreier A, Langness OP, Israel, JA, Van Dyke, E. (2016) Further investigation of green sturgeon (Acipenser medirostris) distinct
population segment composition in non-natal estuaries and preliminary evidence of Columbia River spawning. Environmental Biology of Fishes 99(12):1021-1032. (pdf)
Meek MH, Baerwald MR, Stephens MR, Goodbla AM, Miller MR, Tomalty KMH, May B. (2016) Sequencing improves our ability
to study threatened migratory species: genetic population assignment in California’s Central Valley Chinook salmon. Ecology and Evolution. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.2493 (pdf)
Schreier BM, Baerwald MR, Conrad JL, Schumer GP, May B. (2016) Examination of predation on early life stage Delta Smelt in
the San Francisco Estuary using DNA diet analysis. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 145(4):723-733. (pdf)
Baerwald MR, Meek MH, Stephens MR, Nagarajan RP, Goodbla AM, Tomalty KMH, Thorgaard GH, May B, Nichols KM. (2016)
Migration-related phenotypic divergence is associated with epigenetic modifications in rainbow trout. Molecular Ecology, 25(8):1785-1800. (pdf)
Benjamin, A., May, B., O’Brien, J., Finger, A.J. (2016) Conservation genetics of an urban desert fish, the Arroyo chub.
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 145(2):277-286. (pdf).
Brandl SC, Schreier BM, Conrad JL, May B, Baerwald MR. (2016) Generation of quantitative polymerase chain reaction
detectability half-lives and comparison of sampling protocols for genetic diet studies of San Francisco Estuary fishes. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 145(3):441-449. (pdf)
Verhille C, Dabruzzi T, Cocherell D, Mahardja B, Feyrer F, Foin T, Baerwald M, Fangue N. (2016) Inter-population differences in
salinity tolerance and osmoregulation of juvenile wild and hatchery-born Sacramento splittail. Conservation Physiology 4(1): cov063. (pdf)
May, B. and M.E. Delany. Meiotic Models to Explain Classical-Linkage, Pseudolinkage, and Chromosomal Pairing in Tetraploid
Derivative Salmonid Genomes: II. Wright is Still Right. (2015) Journal of Heredity 106(6):762-766 (pdf).
Klimley, A., E. Chapman, J. Cech, D. Cocherell, N. Fangue, M. Gingras, Z. Jackson, E. Miller, J. Poletto, A. Schreier, A.
Seesholtz, K. Sulak, M. Thomas, D. Woodbury, M. Wyman. (2015) Sturgeon in the Sacramento-San Joaquin watershed: new insights to support conservation and management. San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Sciences 13(4).
Van Dam, A.R., L.P., Martinez, A.J. Chavez, and B.P. May. (2015) Range wide phylogeography of Dactylopius coccus
(Hemiptera: Dactylopiidae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America 108(3):299-310. (pdf)
LaCava, M., K. Fisch, M., Nagel, J., Lindberg, B.P. May, A.J. Finger. (2015) Spawning behavior of cultured Delta Smelt in a
conservation hatchery. North American Journal of Aquaculture 77(3):255-266. (pdf)
Lew RM, Finger AJ, Baerwald MR, Goodbla A, May B, Meek MH. (2015) Using next-gen sequencing to assist a conservation
hatchery: A SNP panel for the genetic management of endangered Delta Smelt. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 144(4):767-779. (pdf)
Tomalty KMH, Meek MH, Stephens MR, Rincon G, Fangue NA, May BP, Baerwald MR. (2015) Transcriptional response to acute
thermal stress in juvenile Chinook Salmon determined by RNAseq. G3: Genes | Genomes | Genetics 5(7):1335-1349. (pdf)
Feyrer F, Hobbs J, Acuna S, Mahardja B, Grimaldo L, Baerwald M, Johnson RC, Teh S. (2015) Metapopulation structure of a
semi-anadromous fish in a dynamic environment. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 72:709-721. (pdf)
Schreier A, Stephenson S, Rust P, Young S. (2015) The case of the endangered Kootenai River white sturgeon (Acipenser
transmontanus) highlights the importance of post-release genetic monitoring in captive and supportive breeding programs. Biological Conservation 192:74-81. (pdf)
Mahardja B, May B, Feyrer F, Coalter R, Fangue N, Foin T, Baerwald MR. (2015) Interannual variation in connectivity and
comparison of contemporary effective population size between two splittail (Pogonichthys macrolepidotus) populations in the San Francisco Estuary. Conservation Genetics 16(2):385-398. (pdf)
Finger, A.J. and B. May. (2015) Conservation genetics of a desert fish species: The Lahontan tui chub (Siphateles bicolor ssp.).
Conservation Genetics 16:743-758. (pdf)
Gille, D., F.R. Famula, B.P. May, and A.D. Schreier. (2015) Evidence for a maternal origin of spontaneous autopolyploidy in
cultured white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus). Aquaculture 435:467-474. (pdf)
Meek, M.H., C. Wells, K.M. Tomalty, J. Ashander, E.M. Cole, D.A. Gille, B.J. Putman, J.P. Rose, M.S. Savoca, L. Yamane, J.M.
Hulla,f, D.L. Rogers, E.B. Rosenblumh, J.F. Shogreni, R.R. Swaisgood, and B. May. (2015) Fear of failure in conservation: the problem and potential solutions to aid conservation of extremely small populations. Biol. Cons. 184:209-217. (pdf)
Welsh, A.B., M.R. Baerwald, M. Friday, and B. May. (2015) The effect of multiple spawning events on cohort genetic diversity of
lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) in the Kaministiquia River. Env. Biol. Fish. 98:755–762. (pdf)
Brandl, S., G. Schumer, B. Schreier, J. L. Conrad, B. May and M. R. Baerwald. (2015) Ten real-time PCR assays for detection of
fish predation at the community level in the San Francisco Estuary-Delta. Molecular Ecology Resources 15:278-284. (pdf)
Fetherman ER, Winkelman DL, Baerwald MR, Schisler GJ. 2014. Survival and Reproduction of Myxobolus cerebralis-Resistant
Rainbow Trout Introduced to the Colorado River and Increased Resistance of Age-0 Progeny. (2014) PLoS One 9(5): e96954.
Fisch, K.M., B. Mahardja, R.S. Burton, and B. May. (2014) Hybridization between delta smelt and two other species within the
family Osmeridae in the San Francisco Bay-Delta. Conservation Genetics 15:489–494. (pdf)
Jones, K.L., D.H. Van Vuren, M.B. McEachern, K.R. Crooks, J.W. Dragoo, and B. May. (2014) Spatial and Genetic Organization
of the Island Spotted Skunk, Spilogale gracilis amphiala. Southwest. Nat., 58(4):481-486. (pdf)
Lavretsky, P., R.S. Schwartz, M.R. Baerwald, and B. May. (2014) Developing major histocompatibility markers in a species of
concern: the Sacramento Perch Archoplites interruptus. J. Fish. Biol. 85:1766-1776. (pdf)
Meek, MH, MR Stephens, KM Tomalty, BP May, and MR Baerwald. (2014) Genetic considerations for sourcing steelhead
reintroductions: investigating possibilities for the San Joaquin River. San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science. 12(1).
Meek, M., M. Stephens, A. Wong., K. Tomalty, B. May, M. Baerwald. (2014) Genetic characterization of California’s Central
Valley Chinook salmon. Ecology. 95:1431-1431. (pdf)
Tomalty, K., M. Stephens, M. Baerwald, K. Börk, M. Meek, and B. May. (2014) Examining the Causes and Consequences of
Hybridization During Chinook Salmon Reintroductions: Using the San Joaquin River as a Restoration Case Study of Management Options. San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science. 12(2).
Hayden S, Bekaert M, Goodbla A, Murphy WJ, Davalos LM , Teeling EC. (2014) A Cluster of Olfactory Receptor Genes linked
to Frugivory in Bats. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 31(4), 917-927. (pdf)
Finger, A. J., Parmenter, S., and May B. P. (2013) Conservation of the Owens Pupfish: Genetic Effects of Multiple Translocations
and Extirpations, Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 142(5):1430-1443. (pdf)
Baerwald MR. (2013) Temporal expression patterns of rainbow trout immune-related genes in response to Myxobolus
cerebralis exposure. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 35: 965-971. (pdf)
Deiner, K, J.M. Hull, and B. May. (2013) Eight novel microsatellite loci developed from vernal pool fairy shrimp. J. Fish & Wild.
Man. 4:134-138. (pdf)
Deiner, K.,R. Knapp, D. Boiano, and B. May. (2013) Increased accuracy of species lists developed for alpine lakes using
morphology and barcodes for identification. Mol. Ecol. Res. 13: 820–831. (pdf)
Fisch, K.M., J.A. Ivy, R. S. Burton, B. May. (2013) Evaluating the performance of captive breeding techniques for conservation
hatcheries: A case study of the Delta smelt captive breeding program. J. Hered. 104:92-104. (pdf)
Schreier, A. D., B. May, and D. A. Gille. (2013) Incidence of spontaneous autopolyploidy in cultured populations of white
sturgeon, Acipenser transmontanus. Aquaculture 416-417:141-145. (pdf)
Chen, Y., S. Parmenter, and B. May. (2013) Genetic characterization of variation and management implications for the
endangered Mohave tui chub. Cons. Gen. 14:11-20. (pdf)
Meek, M. H., A. P. Wintzer, N. Shepherd, and B. May. (2013) Genetic diversity and reproductive mode in two non-native
hydromedusae, Maeotias marginata and Moerisia sp., in the upper San Francisco Estuary, California. Biol. Invasions. 15(1): 199-212. (pdf)
Drauch Schreier, A., B. Mahardja, and B. May. (2013) Variable patterns of population structure revealed across the range of the
ancient octoploid white sturgeon, Acipenser transmontanus. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 142(5):1273-1286. (pdf)
Nelson, T. C., P. Doukakis, S. T. Lindley, A. Drauch Schreier, J. E. Hightower, L. R. Hildebrand, R. E. Whitlock, and M. A. H.
Webb. (2013) Modern technologies for an ancient fish: tools to inform management of migratory sturgeon stocks. PLoS ONE 8(8):e71552.
Wintzer, A., M. Meek, and P. Moyle. (2013) Abundance, size, and diel feeding ecology of Blackfordia virginica (Mayer, 1910), a
non-native hydrozoan in the lower Napa and Petaluma Rivers, California (USA). Aquatic Invasions. 8(2): 147-156. (pdf)
Drauch Schreier, A., B. Mahardja, and B. May. (2012) Hierarchical patterns of population structure in the endangered Fraser
River white sturgeon, Acipenser transmontanus, and implications for conservation. Can. J. Fish. & Aquat. Sci. 69:1968-1980. (pdf)
Baerwald, M.R., B.M. Schreier, G. Schumer, and B. May. (2012) Detection of Threatened Delta Smelt in the Gut Contents of the
Invasive Mississippi Silverside in the San Francisco Estuary Using TaqMan Assays. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 141:1600-1607. (pdf)
Mahardja, B., B. May, and M. Baerwald. (2012) Characterization of 36 additional microsatellite loci in splittail (Pogonichthys
macrolepidotus) and cross-amplification in five other native Californian cyprinid species. Cons. Gen. Res. 4(4):917-921. (pdf)
Meek, M., A. Wintzer, W. Wetzel, and B. May. (2012) Climate change likely to facilitate the invasion of the non-native hydroid,
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