Selected Publications
Nagarajan, RP, Sanders L, Kolm N, Perez A, Senegal T, Mahardja B, Baerwald M, & Schreier A. CRISPR-Based Environmental
DNA Detection for a Rare Endangered Estuarine Species. Manuscript under review.
Nagarajan, RP, Bedwell, M., Holmes, A.E. et al. Environmental DNA Methods for Ecological Monitoring and Biodiversity
Assessment in Estuaries. Estuaries and Coasts 45, 2254–2273 (2022).
Nagarajan RP, Goodbla A, Graves E, Baerwald M, Holyoak M, Schreier A. (2020) Non-invasive genetic monitoring for the
threatened valley elderberry longhorn beetle. PLoS One. 2020 Jan 17;15(1):e0227333.
Baerwald MR, Meek MH, Stephens MR, Nagarajan RP, Goodbla AM, Tomalty KM, Thorgaard GH, May B, Nichols KM. (2016)
Migration-related phenotypic divergence is associated with epigenetic modifications in rainbow trout. Molecular Ecology 25(8):1785-1800.
Bell RJ, Rube HT, Kreig A, Mancini A, Fouse SD, Nagarajan RP, Choi S, Hong C, He D, Pekmezci M, Wiencke JK, Wrensch MR,
Chang SM, Walsh KM, Myong S, Song JS, Costello JF. (2015) The transcription factor GABP selectively binds and activates the mutant TERT promoter in cancer. Science 348(6238):1036-1039.
Nagarajan RP*, Zhang B*, Bell RJ, Johnson BE, Olshen AB, Sundaram V, Li D, Graham AE, Diaz A, Fouse SD, Smirnov I, Song J,
Paris PL, Wang T, Costello JF. (2014) Recurrent epimutations activate gene body promoters in primary glioblastoma. Genome Research 24(5), 761-774.
* these authors contributed equally
Maunakea AK*, Nagarajan RP*, Bilenky M, Ballinger TJ, et al. (2010) Conserved Role of Intragenic DNA Methylation in
Regulating Alternative Promoters. Nature 466(7303), 253-257.
* these authors contributed equally